Registration & Holding Fees
Registration Fee: $50.00 ($25.00 Wait List, $25.00 Upon Enrollment)
Holding Fee: $50.00 (This is a non-refundable fee to ensure a space for your child if he/she is not attending the summer session but returning for the next school year.)
Monthly Tuition Rates
Full Time (Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM-5:00 PM): $1125.00
3-Day Part Time (M/W/F): $775.00
2-Day Part Time (T/Th): $510.00
School Year Fees
​​Comprehensive Fee Full Time​: $300.00
Comprehensive Fee (3-Day) Part Time: $180.00
Comprehensive Fee (2-Day) Part Time: $120.00
Comprehensive Fee Deposit: $100.00 (Deposit is to hold place of enrollment, to be credited towards yearly fee.)
Please note that Comprehensive School Year Fees help pay for excursions, classroom supplies, etc.
Additional Fees
Delinquent Tuition Payment Fee: $10.00 (Note: Tuition is due every 6th of the month. Tuition not paid by the 6th of the month will be delinquent.)
Returned Check Fee: $30.00 (A maximum of two returned checks will be accepted per school year. Subsequent payments must be made via cashier's check, money order, or cash.)
Late Care Charge: $10.00 (For the first 15 minutes or part thereof plus another $10.00 fee charged for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof.)
Excel Church Preschool T-Shirt (Required): $10.00 (The purchase of at least one school t-shirt is required for your child to wear on school excursions/events.)
Birthday Book Club (Optional): $10.00 (In lieu of parties, we would like to encourage literacy by dedicating a book in your child's name.)